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Updated Population Statistics

The POC will no longer be able to update this dashboard with Population Statistics due to changes in the way the Probation Department reports their data. Probation ceased providing population statistics on October 26, 2024. Between January 6, 2025 and January 16, 2025, the POC received Population Statistics updates for the period of October 25, 2024 through January 16, 2025 and they have been provided every business day since. However, due to significant reformatting of the daily reports and inconsistencies, we are unable to further update this iteration of the dashboard with population figures. This dashboard will only be updated with OC Spray information. For Population Statistics, please visit our reports page where the POC will resume uploading the statistics reports in the format Probation provides them once per month until the POC reaches an agreement with the Probation Department about regular and consistent provisions of Population Data.

Facilities Timeline 2020-present

From 2020 – Present, there have been multiple restructures across Los Angeles County Probation juvenile facilities. The POC created this timeline to help document the changes within Probation's juvenile halls to help dashboard users understand the context around the various naming conventions within the dataset.


This dashboard displays juvenile detention data from the Los Angeles County Probation Department that has been shared with the POC pursuant to our Data-Sharing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The dashboard begins in the year 2022 and contains the following data: 

  • Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) spray deployments by the Probation Department
  • The age, gender and ethnicity of pre and post adjudicated youth
  • Breakdown of youth in the juvenile halls by case status
  • The number of youth dispositioned to the Secure Youth Treatment Facility (SYTF)

Data collection and reporting are essential to assessing trends, making informed decisions, and cultivating public trust. We hope this dashboard aids in creating transparency about the youth detained at Los Angeles County juvenile facilities and serves as a valuable tool to help monitor the Probation Department’s progress towards achieving systemic reform. 

Historical Background and Disclaimer About Incomplete Data

The Los Angeles County Probation Oversight Commission (POC) entered into a Data Sharing MOU with the Probation Department in October 2022 to establish a process of receiving ongoing data to support our mission of fostering transparency and public accountability of the Department’s programs, policies and practices. Specifically, the MOU established that Probation would provide the POC with information referred to as “monthly intake” data including demographic data, charges, arresting agency, LA Detention Screener (LADS) scores, zip codes, and other information that would allow the POC to provide a picture for the Board of Supervisors and the public about who the youth are who are incarcerated in Los Angeles County. To date, the Probation Department has only partially complied with the MOU, providing general daily population statistics, detailed data about OC spray deployments, two “snapshots” of intake data and one month of the intake log in 2023. 

Executive-level Probation staff have long indicated that data collection within the department is difficult due to antiquated systems that are prone to errors. Even with these limitations, we believe the provided data is useful for the public and stakeholders invested in this work. We have reported their data as it was shared to us, without making any alterations. We look forward to increased collaboration from the Probation Department and encourage them embrace data collection, reporting, and sharing as part of their organizational culture.

If you have questions about the dashboard, please contact us at info@poc.lacounty.gov.

CA School Dashboard - Juvenile Court School Performance Data 

[verbatim language from their dashboard FAQ page]

The California School Dashboard (Dashboard) is an online tool that shows how local educational agencies and schools are performing on state and local indicators that are included in California's school accountability system.

Performance levels will be reported for all students and any student group that has at least 30 students in both the current and prior year. An exception is for foster youth and homeless youth at the local educational agency level where performance levels will be reported if there are at least 15 students in those student groups. Data will be reported without a performance level if there are between 11 and 29 students. Data for less than 11 students is not reported to protect student privacy.

The California School Dashboard can be assessed at https://www.caschooldashboard.org/. To view the results for a school, including juvenile court schools, enter the facility’s name in the search bar. 

For helpful tips and how-to guides, please visit the California Department of Education’s Toolkit at https://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/cm/dashboardtoolkit.asp#flyersforparents.